From Vigo, Galicia
Based in Spain, working worldwide
+36 616344005
︎Conference at C de C 2024 (Reset C)
︎Interview for El Español
︎Essay publication at Galicia 21
︎Interview for Academia Galega do Audiovisual
︎Winner of the IV Maria Luz Morales Award for best international video-essay with my film «Le temps (ne) detruit (pas) tout»
︎Press article in ACERO Magazine
︎Round Table at IMB Festival Barcelona
︎Interview for La Región
︎Radio interview in Diario Cultural for Radio Galega
︎TV interview in ZigZag Diario for TVG
︎Participant of Curtocircuito Film Festival with my shortfilm «Génesis»
︎Projection of my shortfilm «Heimlich 1421» at the Novos Cinemas Film Festival